Bonding is a treatment which is used for regaining the natural color, shape, and size of a tooth. The discoloring of a tooth, chipped teeth and teeth melting can be solved with bonding. With the material glued on to a tooth, deformations and discolorations can be treated.
Bonding is the newest discovery on aesthetic dentistry and minimizing tooth loss is the most important feature of it. It needs minimal thinning on the tooth and with the special dental glues, the treatment can have a life-long lifespan. Aesthetically, it is the most logical treatment nowadays.
If there is no decay on the tooth, the treatment can be done without anesthesia. Especially, it is the most suitable treatment for patients who is afraid of needles. In the bonding treatment, dentists only deal with the top surface of a tooth and that means there is no nerve contact. Therefore, there is no need for an anesthetic.
Why Bonding Is Applied?
The Bonding treatment can be used on the heavily stained tooth, a deeply decayed tooth, tooth which has deformation after a treatment, unable to whitened tooth, broken tooth and considerably smaller tooth. After the treatment, the treated tooth will have a natural appearance.
Because the treatment offers a perfect aesthetic look, the cheaper cost of the treatment, and because it is practical and does not harm the tooth makes it one of the most preferable treatment.
After The Bonding Treatment
The material of the bonding treatment is like a natural tooth. Because of that, the patient must provide proper dental care like a natural tooth. Nail-biting, smoking, lack of oral hygiene and incautious biting on hard tough-shelled food can be harmful to gums, natural teeth and tooth with bonding treatment.
The price of the bonding treatment is affordable compared to other aesthetic treatments. The treatment can be applied multiple teeth but every tooth must be considered as a different case. It is impossible fixing, coating and bridging multiple teeth with bonding treatment. With the proper dental care, the teeth treated with the bonding process can be used for a lifetime. If the treated teeth start yellowing again, whitening treatment will be enough and there is no need for another bonding treatment.